Gas Facilities explosion proof CCTV
CCTV for sites

Bord na Móna Drehid Facility

The Bord na Móna Drehid plant is a state-of-the-art landfill-gas power plant that generates enough electricity to power 8,500 homes. This ‘waste-to-energy project uses landfill gas for the generation of electricity with the ability to deliver a stable, continuous supply to the power grid.

The plant burns 6,000 tonnes of methane and converts it to carbon dioxide and water, which, if left untreated would have a greenhouse gas impact of 126,000 tonnes of CO2. It also displaces the equivalent amount of carbon-sourced power on the grid as it is carbon neutral.

Xenon worked with Bord na Móna to deliver a large site CCTV system to help ensure the safety, security, and efficient operation of the facility. The industrial-grade CCTV system installed included a number of ATEX Explosion Proof CCTV cameras, armor-protected cables, and toughened cameras to allow the effective operation of the Drehid Facilities industrial environment.

Key Project Facts:

Client: Bord na Móna Drehid Facility

Solution Provided:

ATEX Explosion Proof CCTV

Location: Kildare

Date: Completed August 2012


Bergin Logistics


Seerys Bakery